この日が来るのをどんなに待ち望んでいたことか。 そのわりには、いとも簡単にあっさりと届いたUltravox!の初期3作リマスター紙ジャケット盤。 ディスクユニオン特典の紙ジャケット収納BOXは、今回の3枚に加えあと2枚ほど入るようになっている。 とりあえず手持ちのJohn Foxxソロ1st「Metamatic」2nd「The Garden」を収納。 取り急ぎ3枚聴いた印象は、少なくとも今夜の印象は3rd「System of Romance」は別モノだということ。 既にJohn Foxxの世界になっているのは否めない。それは決して悪いことではないのだけど。 確かにオープニングを飾る「Slow Motion」や代表曲「Quiet Men」など秀逸なナンバーはあるものの。 1stアルバムはオープニングからラストまで一気に疾走する感じで、2ndもその流れを踏襲しながら「Hiroshima Mon Amour」 などが散りばめられている。この2枚はJohn Foxxが、まさにフロントマンとして前面に出ているのだけど、 最高傑作と評される3rdは、「バンドとしてのUltravoxのサウンドをバックにJohn Foxxが唄ってる」ように聴こえる。 これも、決して悪いことではない。 とにかく今夜は永年待ち望んでいた夢が叶ったということに敬意を表すと共に感謝を。
mixiで書き込んだのですが、こちらにも。 Youtubeで発見しました。 Novaspace - Dancing With Tears In My Eyes (Live 2002) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFRxXD75y4U&search=ultravox Dancing With Tears In My Eyesをカヴァーしてます。 (ドイツのおねーさんなのかな?) シングルにもなってるようです。ジャンルは「サイバートランス」だそうです。 http://konsummusic.de/novaspace/index2.html シンディ・ローパーのTime after timeもカバーしてますね。
>PLANET ROCKさん そのうちHMVかタワレコで探そうと思っていたら、わざわざリンクをしていただいて! さっそくオーダーしましたよ。どうもありがとうございました。
>邪外さん HNはお察しの通りです。 当方KRAFTWERKやYMO等々、所謂テクノポップを好んで聴いております。 加えてヒップホップやハウス云々も聴きかじっておりますゆえ、 そういった意味ではベタなHNになってしまいまして…。 ULTRAVOXに関しましては、一応オリジナルアルバムは大体所持しておりますが、 リアルタイマーではない為、まあ「ちょこっとFAN」的な程度です。 好きな曲は「パッショネート・リプライ」、「ミスターX」辺りです。 最近やっとジョン・フォックス期も良く感じるようになって来たという新参者ですが これからもちょくちょくお邪魔させて頂くこともあるかと思います。 ヨロシクお願い致します。
はじめまして。 情報ありがとうございます。 ところで、ハンドルネームは、アフリカ・バンバータからでしょうか?
はじめまして。少しだけULTRAVOXファンの新参者であります。 >エミリオさん Master Of Chant / Gregorian HMVでは… http://www.hmv.co.jp/product/detail.asp?sku=284979 http://www.hmv.co.jp/product/detail.asp?sku=212010 ちなみにタワー・レコードでも… http://www.towerrecords.co.jp/sitemap/CSfCardMain.jsp?GOODS_NO=738162&GOODS_SORT_CD=101 http://www.towerrecords.co.jp/sitemap/CSfCardMain.jsp?GOODS_NO=645235&GOODS_SORT_CD=101 上記を見る限り入手可能かもしれません。一度お試しください。
>Bプログラムさん DUの特典のBOXは、"Systems Of Romance"をベースにしたデザインですね。 私も早く欲しいです。 http://diskunion.net/rock/news.php?news_id=2 >エミリオさん えっ、グレゴリアン入手困難ですか・・・。(驚) Amazon.co.jp以外でもどこかで入手できるといいんですが・・・。 >daaaさん WarrenならOfficial Siteのフォーラムでけっこう発言している ようなので、もしかしたら、やりとりできるかもしれませんよ。 http://www.ultravox.org.uk/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi 最近はあまり発言していないみたいですが・・・ http://www.ultravox.org.uk/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_profile;u=00000005 (それでも以前は108も投稿していますね。) >しげるさん フォローありがとうございます。
先ほど届いたMetamatic Newsから転載です。 John先生の今月のツアーは、オランダ公演が延期になったようですね。 あとライヴ会場のみ購入できる以下のCD 2種が発売されるようです。 ・John Foxx & Louis Gordon : "Live From a Room (As Big as a City)" ・John Foxx : "The Hidden Man" ----------------------------------------- Contents -- A change to the forthcoming live dates... -- Special edition CDs available on the forthcoming tour... -- John Foxx Radio Interviews and Sessions... -- Island albums - "Ultravox!", "Ha! Ha! Ha!" & "Systems of Romance" - on CD in Japan... ********** A change to the forthcoming live dates... As you already know, John and Louis are set to play a handful of live dates during July... Unfortunately, the Amsterdam show (Wednesday 19 July 2006 : Paradiso 65) has had to be postponed until later in the year. I will send out revised details just as soon as they've been confirmed. However, there's now a special warm-up show scheduled on the same date at The Limelight Club in Crewe - details as follows... Wednesday the 19th of July, 2006 : Crewe - The Limelight Club Address : Hightown, Crewe CW1 3BP Phone : (Enquiries / Box Office) 01270 251929 Web : http://www.crewe-limelight.co.uk/ Below are the full details for the rest of the tour... Friday the 21st of July, 2006 : Liverpool - Korova Address : 52 - 54 Wood Street, Liverpool L1 4AQ Phone : (Enquiries / Box Office) 0151 709 7097 Email : info@korova-liverpool.com Web : http://www.korova-liverpool.com/ Saturday the 22nd of July, 2006 : Glasgow - King Tut's Wah Wah Hut Address : 272a St Vincent Street, Glasgow G2 5RL Phone : (Enquiries / Box Office) 0141 221 5279 Email : info@kingtuts.co.uk Web : http://www.kingtuts.co.uk/ Sunday the 23rd of July, 2006 : York - Fibbers Address : Stonebow House, The Stonebow, York YO1 7NP Phone : (Enquiries / Box Office) 01904 651 250 Web : http://www.fibbers.co.uk/ Monday the 24th of July, 2006 : Sheffield - Leadmill Address : 6 Leadmill Road, Sheffield S1 4SE Phone : (Enquiries) 0114 221 2828, (Box Office) 0870 010 4555 Web : http://www.leadmill.co.uk/ Tuesday the 25th of July, 2006 : Wolverhampton - The Little Civic Address : North Street, Wolverhampton WV1 1RQ Phone : (Enquiries) 01902 552 122, (Box Office) 01902 552 121 Web : http://www.wolvescivic.co.uk/ Wednesday the 26th of July, 2006 : Norwich - Arts Centre Address : St Benedicts Street, Norwich NR2 4PG Phone : (Enquiries / Box Office) 01603 660 352 Email : boxoffice@norwichartscentre.co.uk Web : http://www.norwichartscentre.co.uk/ Thursday the 27th of July, 2006 : London - The Scala Address : 275 Pentonville Road, Kings Cross, London N1 9NL Phone : (Enquiries / Box Office) 0207 833 2022 Web : http://www.scala-london.co.uk/ Friday the 28th of July, 2006 : Nottingham - The Social Address : 23 Pelham Street, Nottingham NG1 2ED Phone : (Enquiries / Box Office) 0115 950 5078 Web : http://www.socialnottingham.co.uk/ Saturday the 29th of July, 2006 : Leeds - Josephs Well Address : Chorley Lane, Leeds LS2 9NW Phone : (Enquiries / Box Office) 0113 203 1861 Email : mail@josephswell.co.uk Web : http://www.josephswell.co.uk/ Sunday the 30th of July, 2006 : Cardiff - Barfly Address : Kingsway, Cardiff CF10 3FD Phone : (Tickets) 0870 907 0999 Email : cardiff.info@barflyclub.com Web : http://www.barflyclub.com/ Monday the 31st of July, 2006 : Brighton - Pressure Point Address : 33 Richmond Place, Brighton BN2 9NA Phone : (Enquiries) 01273 702 333, (Box Office) 01273 702 333 Email : info@pressurepoint.me.uk Web : http://www.pressurepoint.me.uk/ ***** Special edition CDs available on the forthcoming tour... John and Louis have put together a couple of special edition CDs which will be available on the forthcoming tour - probably from the Liverpool show onwards. Please note that there are plans to make both of these CDs more widely available once the tour is over so that anyone who's not able to get to any of the shows will be able to buy them without having to pay 'over the odds'. As usual, I'll post specific details just as soon as they've been confirmed. ** John Foxx & Louis Gordon : "Live From a Room (As Big as a City)" The first disc contains live versions of some of the songs that were performed on the last tour - similar in format to previous "Exotour" CDs... Below is the full track-listing and catalogue number. 01. Intro 02. Sex Video 03. Making Movies 04. Metal Beat 05. No-One Driving 06. Plaza 07. Underpass 08. Touch and Go 09. He's a Liquid 10. Broken Furniture 11. UltraViolet / InfraRed 12. Nightlife 13. My Sex Label : Metamatic Catalogue Number : META10CD ** John Foxx : "The Hidden Man" The second disc is a double album of exclusive interviews with John, together with three brand new tracks from John and Louis, as well a reading from "The Quiet Man" by John. It's anticipated that all copies of this disc will be signed. Below is the full track-listing and catalogue number. 01. Freeze Frame 5'22" 02. Running In Traffic 5'27" 03. From Trash 4'36" Label : Metamatic Catalogue Number : META11CD ** Please note that there won't be the facility at any of the live shows to pay for these discs using a credit card - they will only be available using cash. ***** John Foxx Radio Interviews and Sessions... Tomorrow morning (Monday the 17th of July) John will be interviewed by Phill Jupitus on his Radio 6 breakfast show. http://www.bbc.co.uk/6music/shows/phill_jupitus/ And later in the day, John and Louis will be appearing on Janice Long's Radio 2 show. They are going to be playing three songs in session for her show which begins at midnight and runs into the early hours of Tuesday morning. Janice will also be interviewing them both between tracks. http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio2/shows/long/upcomingsessions.shtml After that, John is going to Total Rock for an interview - I'll let you know when that's due to be broadcasted just as soon details are available. John has also been recently interviewed by Jarvis Cocker for a piece on Radio 4 about art-school bands - Ultravox of course being very much part of that. That interview will be aired in a couple of months time. Full details will follow just as soon as they've been confirmed. ***** Island albums - "Ultravox!", "Ha! Ha! Ha!" & "Systems of Romance" - on CD in Japan... Following on from previous Metamatic Updates (04.03.2006, 18.03.2006, 26.04.2006 & 29.05.2006), I've been advised that all three of Ultravox's Island albums ("Ultravox!", "Ha! Ha! Ha!" and "Systems of Romance") will be made available in special 'mini LP' sleeves from Japan - these are set to be similar in design to the special edition CDs which were created a few years ago for "Metamatic", "The Garden", "The Golden Section" and "In Mysterious Ways". The full track-listings (together with track times) are as follows... ** Ultravox! : "Ultravox!" 01. Sat'day Night in the City of the Dead 2'34" 02. Life at Rainbows End (For All the Tax Exiles on Main Street) 3'43" 03. Slip Away 4'16" 04. I Want To Be a Machine 7'23" 05. Wide Boys 3'15" 06. Dangerous Rhythm 4'16" 07. The Lonely Hunter 3'43" 08. The Wild, the Beautiful and the Damned 5'50" 09. My Sex 3'02" Additional Tracks 10. Slip Away (recorded live at The Rainbow) 4'08" Originally appeared on the B'Side of the "Young Savage" single. 11. Modern Love (recorded live at The Rainbow) 2'34" Originally appeared on the B'side of the free single that came with initial copies of the "Ha! Ha! Ha!" album. 12. The Wild, the Beautiful and the Damned (recorded live at The Rainbow) 5'15" Originally appeared on the B'side of the "Retro" EP. 13. My Sex (recorded live at Huddersfield Polytechnic) 2'55" Originally appeared on the B'side of the "Retro" EP. Ultravox! : "Ultravox!" Label: Universal / Island Catalogue Number : UICY-93073 Pre-order your copy on-line at : http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000FDF282/metamatic-21 OR : http://www.musicnonstop.co.uk/cgi-clickclocker/click.cgi?a=metamatic.c om&b=text&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Emusicnonstop%2Eco%2Euk%2Fstore%2Ferol %2Ehtml%2319282x48973 ** Ultravox! : "Ha! Ha! Ha!" 01. ROckWrok 3'35" 02. The Frozen Ones 4'06" 03. Fear in the Western World 4'00" 04. Distant Smile 5'21" 05. The Man Who Dies Every Day 4'12" 06. Artificial Life 5'00" 07. While I'm Still Alive 3'16" 08. Hiroshima Mon Amour 5'13" Additional Tracks 09. Young Savage 2'56" Originally the A'side of Ultravox!'s second single. 10. The Man Who Dies Every Day (remix) 4'15" Originally the B'side of the "The Frozen Ones" German single. 11. Hiroshima Mon Amour (alternative version) 4'54" Originally the B'side of the "ROckWrok" single. 12. Quirks 1'40" Originally appeared on the A'side of the free single that came with initial copies of the "Ha! Ha! Ha!" album. 13. The Man Who Dies Every Day (recorded live at Huddersfield Polytechnic) 4'15" Originally appeared on the A'side of the "Retro" EP. 14. Young Savage (recorded live at The Marquee) 3'25" Originally appeared on the A'side of the "Retro" EP. Ultravox! : "Ha! Ha! Ha!" Label: Universal / Island Catalogue Number : UICY-93074 Pre-order your copy on-line at : http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000FDF28C/metamatic-21 OR : http://www.musicnonstop.co.uk/cgi-clickclocker/click.cgi?a=metamatic.c om&b=text&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Emusicnonstop%2Eco%2Euk%2Fstore%2Ferol %2Ehtml%2319282x48977 ** Ultravox : "Systems of Romance" 01. Slow Motion 3'32" 02. I Can't Stay Long 4'19" 03. Someone Else's Clothes 4'28" 04. Blue Light 3'11" 05. Some of Them 2'32" 06. Quiet Men 4'11" 07. Dislocation 2'58" 08. Maximum Acceleration 3'56" 09. When You Walk Through Me 4'18" 10. Just For a Moment 3'10" Additional Tracks 11. Cross Fade 2'53" Originally the B'side of the "Quiet Men" single. 12. Quiet Men (full version) 3'55" Originally the A'side of the twelve inch version of the "Quiet Men" single. Ultravox : "Systems of Romance" Label: Universal / Island Catalogue Number : UICY-93075 Pre-order your copy on-line at : http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000FDF28M/metamatic-21 OR : http://www.musicnonstop.co.uk/cgi-clickclocker/click.cgi?a=metamatic.c om&b=text&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Emusicnonstop%2Eco%2Euk%2Fstore%2Ferol %2Ehtml%2319282x48975 ***** Copies of the UK editions of the three Ultravox albums are also still available - details as follows... Ultravox! : "Ultravox!" Label : Island Records / Universal Catalogue Number : IMCD 324 Order your copy on-line at : http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000EU1PX2/metamatic-21 OR : http://www.musicnonstop.co.uk/cgi-clickclocker/click.cgi?a=metamatic.c om&b=text&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Emusicnonstop%2Eco%2Euk%2Fstore%2Ferol %2Ehtml%2319282x48972 Ultravox! : "Ha! Ha! Ha!" Label : Island Records / Universal Catalogue Number : IMCD 325 Order your copy on-line at : http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000EU1PWI/metamatic-21 OR : http://www.musicnonstop.co.uk/cgi-clickclocker/click.cgi?a=metamatic.c om&b=text&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Emusicnonstop%2Eco%2Euk%2Fstore%2Ferol %2Ehtml%2319282x48976 Ultravox : "Systems of Romance" Label : Island Records / Universal Catalogue Number : IMCD 326 Order your copy on-line at : http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000EU1PWS/metamatic-21 OR : http://www.musicnonstop.co.uk/cgi-clickclocker/click.cgi?a=metamatic.c om&b=text&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Emusicnonstop%2Eco%2Euk%2Fstore%2Ferol %2Ehtml%2319282x48974 **********
以前、こちらで質問したユニオンの特典付日本盤紙ジャケ3枚セットですが、 アマゾンで見る限りUK盤と同内容と判断したのでユニオンに予約しました。 歴史的作品群が届くのが楽しみです! 今度は延期されませんように。
>>邪外さん せっかくお教えいただいたグレゴリアンですが、アマゾンから発送遅れの メールが何度も届いたあげく、本日「どの仕入先からも入手できないことが 判明」メールが来てしまいました。感想を書く気満々だったのですが…。